Germany Is Considering Ending Asylum Entirely

Germany Is Considering Ending Asylum Entirely

Germany Is Considering Ending Asylum Entirely

Posted by SunderedValley

  1. The asylum agreements need to be renegotiated. The world has changed, and updating the rules around asylum for everyone to reflect that would be far preferable to a return of fascism or a Gerexit.

  2. Ending asylum processes won’t solve your populist anti-immigration issues. All it will do is undermine the international standards of human rights that the Euro-American bloc pretends to value.

    Frankly this isn’t surprising from Germany, which has struggled to manage its rising far right populist opposition movement, and whose government has largely shown it to be entirely locked in to the neoliberal paradigm that has created this “crisis” I’m honestly surprised they haven’t done this sooner

  3. Genuine question, why don’t African and Middle Eastern migrants and asylum-seekers go to China?

    Europe is shifting pretty far right on immigration but China has demographic issues and a lot of economic opportunity. They also seem to be very supportive of the Global South and could accommodate way more people than Europe.

  4. International asylum laws just have to be reformed. Otherwise they will break apart completely under the pressure which will only get stronger. They were just designed for a completely different world.

    They worked in a world with much less communication and ease of movement, where the state had far less obligations to it’s citizens and the majority of jobs were simpler. The burden put on states who have no cap put on them for how many asylum seekers can claim it is immense when they all have to be fed, clothed and houses often for the rest of their lives.

    You just can’t tell people you represent the interests of to essentially eat shit when a policy has tangibly decreased their quality of life without either reforming it or it boiling over.

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