Alarm in UK and US over possible Iran-Russia nuclear deal

Alarm in UK and US over possible Iran-Russia nuclear deal

by misana123

  1. That was just a question of time. They’re tip-toeing around Russia while Russia is creating new nuclear threats

  2. Why do you all worry?

    It’s not an escalatory one!

    If it was, it’d be worthy of letting Ukraine deal with launchers, right?

    And since we know it wasn’t worthy, it means it’s nothing to worry about!

  3. In refusing to confront a monster with the seriousness the situation deserves, they’re going to create more monsters.

    ‘grats, your politicking has prevented a nuclear war now and taken us one step closer to one later.

    Can’t wait to hear about their alarm about what Russia has given NK. Maybe when that country decides to move on the South, being confident about what it’s gotten from Russia, and threatens nukes, we’ll have a repeat of this policy again.

    *Edit:* it’s pretty crazy how Ukraine’s allies are still trying to agree on whether the country can use long-range weapons within Russia while these shithole dictatorships are coordinating their efforts to hasten the end of the current world order.

  4. Why? It’s not “possible nuclear deal”, it’s “obvious nuclear deal”. It’s a huge problem, but there is nothing alarming about it.

    Also this was obvious at least 18 months ago.

    Maybe this is the moment they needed to see in terms of Ukraine aid. They can now say they did not push russia into it, and their next steps are just a response to this. Hard to hope for such things, but it is an opportunity to respond strongly without beating the escalation drum.

  5. Iran doesn’t want to go nuclear. Realistically it’s had the capability for some time, and is definitely considered nuclear adjacent.

    Sitting where they are currently is a sweet spot of nuclear deterance without the costs of having nukes.

    If Iran does go nuclear, Saudi Arabia will fast track nukes. Israel will strongly consider pre-emptive strikes, and US military would support. It would be a lose lose for Iran. Their best case is taking out Israel in the process.

    Iran has been nothing if not coldly logical over the last couple of years. I don’t see any likely changes.

  6. “long-held goal to build a nuclear bomb.”

    TF is this Guardian? The Iranians could’ve built a bomb since 2006. And you’ve constantly run headlines since then telling us they’re six months away from doing so.

  7. This is why US and allies should have shut that shit down when Iran provided drones. The sooner putin loses the less Iran will gain from ruzzia. βœŠπŸ½πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ€™πŸ½

  8. Tell bad people to stop and don’t do anything, be surprised when they get nukes, they threaten with Nukes and stop us acting…..bad people win every fucking time.


  9. Bibi has played a dangerous game bowing to Putin and supporting Trump. If it comes down to supporting Israel or respecting Putin, Trump will obey Moscow

  10. We had a nuclear deal with Iran, that they were honoring. Then Trump tore it up, and people wonder why Iran won’t abide by it. Thanks a pant load, asshole.

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