Is this parking spot free of charge?


I have seen multiple spots where people park their cars near a road, a forest etc. There were no signs with P mark. Is it risky to leave your car there, from a legal of view? Could you be fined for that?


by CarefulMango3903

  1. What town or place is in question? Parking is free and unlimited unless the sign says otherwise.

    Please note that off-road parking is often prohibited.
    It is possible that parking is forbidden with just one parking sign at the border of the area, such as in Espoo.

  2. First question should be: Is this a parking spot?

    You can sometimes see very wild parking solutions in cities, sometimes legal, sometimes not.

  3. Impossible to tell from your pic, but other people doing it is no guarantee its ok. For example at Korkeasaari lots of people park wrong on busy days and parking enforcement shows up with three or four guys and make a killing.

  4. Yes, that’s why I’m asking because there are a lot of FIN cars parked outside the road like this. In the country where I was born, there are cars parked on the sidewalk, and depending on the city zone, if it wasn’t in the center of the town, the authorities don’t act like they supose too…

  5. It depends on who owns that land. I guess they are most likely parking there without permission but the land owner doesn’t care.

  6. I would say no. It looks to be grass area that has been parked in a lot, eating away the grass. But off-road parking is not allowed.

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