No One Wants To Leave!

No One Wants To Leave!

Posted by vulcan_on_earth

  1. So good when the “billionaire-projectionaire” spews her paying people to attend rallies. Then her response was to invite people to attend his. 

  2. I hope this election is a complete blow out. Like so bad Florida flips blue and I’m going to bed early.

  3. It’s just an endless, torrent of bald-face lies and made-up shit with that guy. Can’t his followers see through all of that bullshit?

  4. The best part was when he confessed to busing people he pays to his rallies when he accused her of doing that very specific series of things.

  5. cOmRaDe KaMbALa hAs BoUgHt MiLLyUnS aNd MiLLyUnS oF CHINESE Ai GeNeRaToRs FrOm HeR pALs iN tHe ChiNeSe COMMUNiSt PaRtY iN CHiNa aNd PuT oNe iN eAcH sEaT!! FAKE CHINESE AI! FROM CHINA!!

  6. Don’t get cocky VOTE!!!!!! This isn’t just a tRump thing. That republican down the street has a list they will target you if the Republicans win. That is what 2025 says they will do. Here local Republicans are already doing it. People have been fired, kids have had to change schools. People have been kicked out of churches and volunteer organizations due to threats. Imagine that on a larger level. I am living it now in a southern state this is experience talking. VOTE VOTE VOTE!

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