Can anyone tell me why it says the tractor has priority when its me on the priority road? Is it a typo?

Can anyone tell me why it says the tractor has priority when its me on the priority road? Is it a typo?

by ClydeinLimbo

  1. I think the translation is wrong.

    In the background you can see that the correct answer is to let the tram pass but not the tractor.

  2. Translations of these cards generally suck, if using German version is an option I would recommend that.

  3. If I could have gone back and take the test in German, I would have. The English translations on this test were horrible and sometimes didn’t make sense.

  4. In my app the word “speedometer” was translated as “tachometer” and I almost lost my mind trying to figure out how to measure the distance halving the tacho reading:)

  5. If you are confused by these (probably) machine translation, just look up the StVO they reference. In this case just google “stvo 8.1” and “stvo 9.3” in German.

  6. This is a typo

    The correct order is Tram, You, Tractor

    You want to turn left, so you need to let the tram pass. It got the frying egg shield (or the tram equivalent of this). Then you, because you also got the frying egg shield and then the tractor because he got triangle or stop

  7. You have right of way because you are already on the main road. The tractor must “cross over” your way. So in sequence. Let tram pass. Then you turn left. Then tractor is allowed to enter the roadway.

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