Is this the end for Salt Bae? Turnover at London restaurant drops by 31 per cent

Is this the end for Salt Bae? Turnover at London restaurant drops by 31 per cent

by tylerthe-theatre

  1. What?! No one wants wants to pay £600 to watch a man wank a bunch of salt onto a Burger King quality burger?! I’m shocked.

  2. It had it’s moment probably earned a turn of cash, the restaurants will just become whatever the next “it/instagram thing” is

  3. Honestly I’m surprised the novelty lasted this long. He became a meme *7 years ago*

    He’s insufferable but has done a great job of parting idiots from their money. His prices aren’t exactly inflation-friendly though, which probably explains the drop in turnover.

  4. Was always going to be a flash in the pan. He should have started a line of seasoning at the height of his fame and got it into supermarkets. The reggae reggae sauce guy is currently worth £30M.

  5. It’s a bit like the emperor’s clothes. Once everyone acknowledges he has none on, everyone points and laughs.

    I would point and laugh at any of my friends who went to Salt Bae as it’s four times more expensive than a steak anywhere else simply because the salt may have come off of an elbow.

  6. My VC client shared with me a list of transactions they keep an eye out for on their newly funded companies. Top of the list is if the founder goes to shite flashy restaurants like Salt Bae. Basically impossible to get next round of funding once you’ve done that.

  7. Every day he was open and making a profit was a bonus, I have to take my hat off to him for riding the wave this long. 

  8. There are many things that are annoying about Salt Bae, but if I had to bring it down to one I’d say it’s the weird 3x slaps with the flat of his knife he does at the end of his photo-op carving.

    Honestly can’t put my finger on why it looks so stupid in a whole vignette of stupid things, but eh you gotta pick something…

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