I swear the local paper is written by my dad

I swear the local paper is written by my dad

by chyllyphylly

  1. Bradford Town Centre: People think we’re “fucking made of money”.

    Bradford Leisure Centre: If lights are left on, maybe Father Christmas will give that new Playstation to some kids who actually respect their elders this year.

  2. No, no. A dad would have written. “The lights are on at the Bradford Live building – but nobody’s home”

  3. No, no. A dad would have written. “The lights are on at the Bradford Live building – but nobody’s home”

  4. I feel like there’s a lot of larger issues to worry about in Bradford City Centre than illumination sadly.

  5. Long lost brother?!

    In fairness, light pollution and excessive energy usage are things we should be trying to reduce – aside from the financial cost of keeping the lights running in an empty building. I have to assume these pieces are both written by the same Journo and I guess if he keeps writing similar pieces those 3 people with enough will & time will badger the council into making a positive change?

  6. I hope Bradford live is the name of the local Reach news website, part of the *placename*live chain of low quality publications, with the first article is them complaining about lights followed by a rival publication complaining about Bradford Lives own level of lights.

  7. As soon as they turn them off it’ll be ‘Bradford Interchange has come a hotbed of criminal activity, with thugs acting in the darkness with impunity’.

  8. My dad would have said ‘ if you’re not in the room the light is off’ I still live like that.

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