Tommy Robinson strangely silent over religious organisation where 20% of all kids were abused

Tommy Robinson strangely silent over religious organisation where 20% of all kids were abused

Tommy Robinson strangely silent over religious organisation where 20% of all kids were abused

by topotaul

  1. Is he silent on a sunbed on holiday this time? He was on his social media account last time so what’s stopping him saying anything…. oh is it because it doesn’t fit with his agenda?

  2. It’s almost like he doesn’t give a shit about victims but solely settling scores for other reasons with the perpetrators.

    Thing is I think the uk is crying out for a new roger cook. Someone who goes out there, does some investigative journalism, gets a few whacks for the cause…he isn’t that man but a fraud

  3. > “Can you imagine if there was a fundamentalist arm of Islam, where 20% of the kids within it had been sexually abused – he’d have his followers setting fire to their buildings already.

    This actually happened – except it was Pakistani Muslim gangs targeting underage non-Muslim girls.

  4. Eh? I thought his army of thick cunts were out “saving the children” the other month?

    Saving them for themselves, more like.

  5. Any abuser deserves maximum punishment, walked through the streets with crowds throwing rotting fruits and veg at em.

  6. Almost like he doesn’t give 2 shits about abused kids unless they’ve been diddled by those of a certain demographic.

    Shocked and surprised I tell you

  7. Tommy is a grifter wanker.

    But he’s absolutely correct that muslim grooming gangs and muslim ghettos are a growing problem in the UK, and are not an issue we should have to tolerate in decent British society.

    There are very legitimate concerns around mass immigration of non-EU migrants into European countries, and the cultural, economic, and demographical consequences that will follow.

    It’s because of this desire to not create tensions within our “Communities” that the Rochdale grooming gangs persisted for almost 2 decades. And frankly, I think this whataboutism doesn’t dismiss those concerns – but are nonetheless equally worthy of contempt.

  8. Do we have some ability to deport or otherwise refuse entry to the country of people from this organisation?

  9. well done for staying silent tommy…a bit like the 6%ers did all throughout our towns and cities…

  10. False equivalence fallacy!

    Was this happening in hundreds of towns across the country was this happening despite the police knowing exactly what was being done to the girls, was this Allowed to continue because the police were scared of being called racist????

    Did the media suppress the story at the bequest of the government allowing thousands of more children to be raped?????

    No, ????

    Just pro government propaganda then!

  11. Are they targeting girls based on their race and religion? Has it been covered up for race relations purposes? Do all of the offenders come from a certain part of the world and immigrated to the UK?

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