Current situation in the North of Portugal. Major fires in Aveiro, Porto and Braga’s districts.

Current situation in the North of Portugal. Major fires in Aveiro, Porto and Braga’s districts.

by Confident_Rock7964

  1. Apocalyptic floods in central Europe. Massive fires in Portugal. Snowstorm in Austria. All basically at the same time. Yet still, such a huge number of people refuse to acknowledge we are at the beginning of a climate crisis, while peddling insane online conspiracies. I’m so tired of reading the news, and even more of idiots who try to sell their uneducated point of view.

    It completely blows my mind that there is such a huge crowd of people who will believe anything BUT science.

  2. This feels like 2017 all over again. I’m based in the Coimbra district and I’m really scared.

  3. Yeah, wildfires starting at 2 AM and 7 AM….. climate change they say….

    “Segundo o 8º relatório provisório de 2021, foram investigados 6.438 incêndios, entre 1 de janeiro e 15 de outubro, dos quais 4.327 tiveram investigações conclusivas. Resultado: 98% dos fogos ocorridos entre 1 de janeiro a 15 de outubro foram causados pela atividade humana e 2% deveram-se a causas naturais (queda de raios)”

    “According to the 8th provisional report of 2021, 6,438 fires were investigated between January 1 and October 15, of which 4,327 had conclusive investigations. The result: 98% of the fires that occurred between January 1 and October 15 were caused by human activity, and 2% were due to natural causes (lightning strikes).”

  4. Had blue sky 2 hours ago. Clear as glass. Now it’s thick smoke. The fires are about 40 and 60k from me 🙁

  5. So we’re in the middle of fires, floods and avalanches all at the same time on the same continent? But surely we don’t need to take climate change more seriously

  6. Can we all just treat climate change like god?

    The world would be so much better if we all just *pretended* it existed, at the very least

    It does exist, but what’s the harm in people who don’t believe in it to pretend it exists? If it makes them act more morally, great

    Otherwise it’s: I’m willing to sacrifice the future of the entire human race coz reasons

  7. We really need to do a lot more to take climate change seriously and implement mitigating policies. Apparently we learned nothing from the pandemic, and are putting our societies at risk from the climate crisis.

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