Russia-Ukraine War: Putin orders to increase troop size by 180k | WION Fineprint

Russia-Ukraine War: Putin orders to increase troop size by 180k | WION Fineprint

A directive signed by President Vladimir Putin on Monday increased the overall number of active servicemen in the Russian military by 180,000, making 1.5 million for the forthcoming winter.

#russiaukrainewar #zelensky #putin

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  1. Why would you wanna strike inside Russia when you are supposed to be fighting to push back Russia in Donbas?
    That's not fighting, that's to kill civilians. This is how nazis think.

    A war you cannot win. NATO can only push so much until it cannot push anymore which will result in a nuclear bomb. Putin is being considerate for not retaliating with nukes after breaking many redlines.
    Don't take his kindness for weakness. The end of civilization.

  2. This people invited to speak from Washington DC are living in eutopia. …… 🤔

    Where are Ukrainians advancing in Kursk………!!?🤔

    Advancing to where……?🤔

    Stop massaging your Igo while Ukrainians are dieing for no reason at.all …….

    This fight is about America struggling to maintain status quo in a world that is clearly multipolar contrary to what they are used to in a Unipolar world , with them at the Apex
    …….. That is not so today and this reality is eating them up.

    Ukrainians troops in Kursk, have no chance whatsoever retuning back to Ukraine alive unless they surrender……….

    They will and are infact being Zeroed day in day out……….

    Russia is advancing further into Ukraine and from the look of things Kiev will be taken over……….

    Putin does not need to use Nuclear…………

    The 500, 1500, 3000 kg glide bombs are getting the work done anyway……..

    If Putin will use Nukes at any point, it will not be in Ukraine………

    These people who think Ukraine will de nuked…….. Will be shocked to be the statistic when Russia decides Nuclear……….

    These people need to be told that if Putin goes Nuclear, he will not waste it on a country that has non ………. Doomes day it will be .

  3. West people's agenda is to drive the world to the brink of war and when war starts then start to blame someone else 👏 what a puppet people we are having in power 👎

  4. I'm not getting why America is not taking Russia Seriously.
    If Russia is determined they can finish everything in a matter of days this should concern every human who is in power.
    Suggestion: Don't take Russia lightly because if needed they can fight till the end of the world

  5. That analysts is crazy, the US and NATO started this conflict and he just wants escalation. Better listen to people like Scott Riter, Professor Mearsheimer, colonel McGregor and professor Jeffrey Sach

  6. The infamous El Shaddai Ancient order of the Elohim, simply plan to level the playing field of the population to 1 million across the world that's why the world is moving in this direction, probably with 3 years I've heard it said from higher authorities or before!

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