Four Barry Horsemen

Four Barry Horsemen

by FredEmmer14

  1. Ah yes, the biggest atrocities commited by England against mankind:

    1) a fish pie, where the fish head is used as decoration because of tradition, which is not commonly served

    2) Meatballs

    3) Bread

    4) a deep-fried chocolate bar commonly consumed by the SCOTTISH you netherlandish neanderthal

  2. English food…apart from the last one which is Scottish; and honestly, it should be deep fried haggis (which when dipped in curry sauce after a few pints of “heavy” is pretty damned good).

  3. No jellied eels? Deep fried mars bar might be horrifically bad for you but it tastes good. Jellied eels are fucking awful.

  4. Barry refers specifically to England. So fuck off with the deep fried mars bar, which is a Scottish delicacy. If you aren’t Irish or Scottish you don’t get to have an opinion on deep fried foods. Deep fried foods are judged on how they taste after 10 pints, and by that standard a deep fried mars bar is the nectar of the gods

  5. I keep hearing foreigners bring up a toast sandwich, as if anyone anywhere has eaten that in the past 50 years with any kind of regularity.

    Yes, our food is awful and trash, but this one irks me because no Barry has ever heard of it.

  6. I bet no Barry on here has eaten any of these.

    I wouldn’t mind trying a deep fried mars bar, but I cba going to Scotland just for that, and I don’t own a deep fat fryer.

  7. The fish head pie is actually cool, but it needs more fish heads/mm² to really develop the concept.

  8. Deep fried mars bar is like ambrosia. Smooth, sweet and fucking delightful. Pack it in Jan van de voorde!

  9. Stargazy Pie can’t be a real thing, it has to be a joke for tourists to laugh at or something. Can you actually imagine taking out a piece and eating it?

    Also is that a Netherland’s flag? Your food is just as shit, only less famous.

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