Flamingo Land development on Loch Lomond banks thrown out by authority

Flamingo Land development on Loch Lomond banks thrown out by authority

by fantalemon

  1. >Plans to build a Flamingo Land resort on the shores of Loch Lomond have been rejected unanimously by the Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Authority.

    >The Yorkshire theme park operator had submitted plans for Lomond Banks, a resort with woodland lodges, hotels, a monorail, a water park and other facilities on the southernmost point of the lake.

    >More than 150,000 objections were lodged to the proposal, and the National Park Authority itself published a report which concluded that the application should not be accepted.

    >A final decision arrived on Monday following a site visit, hearing and meeting at Lomond Parish Church.

    >A total of 13 speakers appeared during the meeting, five in support and eight in objection, with the authority suspending its usual procedures to allow more people to make their views clear.

    >The National Park Authority ultimately rejected the application, the second time it has been knocked back in the past five years.

  2. The only thing I’ve learned from this is that Flamingo Land should rename their holding company to something neutral like Apex Holidays.

  3. Fucks sake, Ross Greer needs to fucking do one. His vendettas against any kind of investment in Scotland are beyond a joke.

  4. Stayed in Balloch for 15 years, in the summer it’s choc-a-bloc, bursting at the seams. From the M8 there’s one road in and out, it’s very often down to one lane due to roadworks, it’s gridlocked on a regular basis, this is the route for emergency ambulances, Clydebank and Paisley being the emergency hospitals for the entire Vale, imagine that with the extra traffic on a one road system. Balloch is already a destination for the weekend neds, the havoc they create when they tip up off the train leathered and looking for fights.
    They talk about 200 new jobs that would be a boost to the local inhabitants, why then are they building employee accommodation, if you’re local you would surely just go home after work? In reality it’s never the amount of jobs they claim and in this case they seem to be aiming for people outwith the area, why else accommodation! Flamingo lands initial plan is the thin edge of the wedge in a National Park, it would be a precedent set. Most locals are against it and I can see why.

  5. Why anyone in there right mind would want to pay the inflated price of flamingo land especially in Scotland when it’s pishing wae rain for 2 weeks

  6. There it is again that misleading “Flamingo land plans”

    Whoever is funding the PR campaign against this has done one hell of a job with the misinformation.

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