Stay classy Belfast

Stay classy Belfast

by Yellowcardman11

  1. If thats Caffè Nero on Botanic I’ve seen far worse in there. But frankly the stuff chain hospitality staff have to put up with in Belfast of anywhere that isn’t upmarket isn’t acceptable

  2. The town is full of junkies and homeless. Somehow it’s as bad or worse than the middle of covid. Don’t get me wrong I have sympathy for the destitute, but the amount of shambling drug users in the city (particularly near bridge /north street area) is not a good advert for Belfast.

  3. Wee council estate benefit claiming scumbags like that should all be exported to an unclaimed island and left to rot.

  4. Yano rightly as soon as ye tapped that wee rat, he’d go down like a sack of shite and cry like a stuck pig and call into his solicitor on the way to A&E.

  5. To think that face has made its place in being a total liability to mankind. And I bet he thinks he is just the muts nuts.

  6. Wee dole rat feels like he’s needs to have some form of “control” or “alpha” in his life, because everything else is an utter mess. You can often tell a lot about peoples lives from such a short clip.

    What a sad little prick.

    He’s clearly very unhappy in life.

  7. Many years ago. I worked in a coffee shop in the city centre for a few months while I was job hopping. The amount of shite you had to put up just to earn a basic wage was god awful. From opening the back door into the alleyway on crackheads smoking and shooting up who then tried to attack you because you knocked over their gear and whatever stolen bikes they had leaning up against the fire door, to being threatened by middle aged drunks drinking out the front on one of the tables because they’re on their way to court and wanted a couple “for their nerves” and then threatening to get the boys on you so you had to ring head office and the area manager because there was a small chance it could happen. Genuinely feel for anyone out there that has to work in those conditions whether it’s coffee or fast food etc.

  8. I fully endorse abortion up until the 120th trimester. He is eternally unemployable, will have nothing but friction with normal Humans his entire life. make euthanasia legal, and then offer to him when he’s at a low point in his miserable life.

  9. Jesus the dark haired lad looked like he was going to have a panic attack, I don’t blame him. I was in that position when I used to work in the Santander branch, might have been the same smick

  10. I read a book written by a bouncer about his times on the doors. He was always getting threatened with “I’ll kick your head in when I see you again etc” and he would reply “Why wait, I’m here now.” And the ones mouthing off would always back away like little yappy dogs.

  11. You’d have loved one of them to chuck boiling black coffee round him but you can’t really do that as you say he would be right on to police and his solicitor as he left

  12. That squeaky nasally smick belfast accent has to the worst sounding thing on the planet just sounds so whiney least intimidating thing you could ever hear lol

  13. There’s something about him the accent, the slight twitch from the meth, the way he stole the IKEA shopping bag. Just makes ye wet

  14. Lol that barista would beat the shite out of that mouthy cunt by the looks of things. Remember when Belfast used to have actual tough guys?

  15. Curly haired kid already has the 1000 yard stare. Cafe Nero needs to get him out of the city centre and into the countryside for a bit.

  16. Typical inbred working class, stir the pot, yell real loud, goad a reaction. THEN act a victim.

  17. Lawyers present, is it illegal to take the initiative and knock this guy out in a controlled fashion? Genuine question

  18. I like how pretty much everyone in the place puts their hands on him and all they get for their trouble is a migraine.

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