Trump, Who Regularly Uses Incendiary Language Against Political Rivals, Blames Biden and Harris’s For His Own Supporter Trying to Kill Him

Trump, Who Regularly Uses Incendiary Language Against Political Rivals, Blames Biden and Harris’s For His Own Supporter Trying to Kill Him

Trump, Who Regularly Uses Incendiary Language Against Political Rivals, Blames Biden and Harris’s For His Own Supporter Trying to Kill Him

Posted by inewser

  1. This profile that constantly posts only this news site is a part of the Russian propaganda machine. People think they’re only in the Republican sphere but they play both sides to sow discord within the American population. This is a bogus news site and it’s a shame that fellow liberals are falling for the bait. This profile and website are knee deep in shit.

    [Interesting related source](

  2. Maybe he should keep his own damn mouth shut. So he can say any damn thing he wants but everybody else has to bow to the lardenous Cheeto. Life just don’t work that way!!

  3. That’s way he was raised entitled n never held accountable for anything n no ones punched him yet cause usually a bully stops n I wish he’d stop he blamed others n he don’t accept any blame or faults too

  4. Talking about his crimes isn’t inciting violence. Repeating his own words isn’t inciting violence.

  5. FAFO! Donold Dementia is going to see more of his stooges trying to merc his disgraced ass out. Who would have thunk that spitting hatred would bring ill wills to the speaker?

  6. Just watched part of the FBI briefing on this. It looks like half the department of homeland security on this case. It is a shame they are not putting as much effort into the situation the Haitians in Springfield are facing with the White supremists decending on their town.

  7. He thinks he’s innocent and needs to blame someone for all the bad stuff. Remember, he’s sent by God and can do no wrong, lol.

  8. Given how the debate went, maybe the would be assassin felt sorry, and wanted to put down the wounded animal.

  9. Lock this asshat away already. I’m sick of seeing his stupidity in headlines. American media needs to check itself and stop propitiating this moron

  10. He’s the one that stirs up hatred and racial division. It’s his own supporters shooting at him.

  11. Crazy how actions have consequences. Fascists tend to find themselves catching bullets or swinging from ropes. Guess all those Republicans should have listened to that “liberal education” they despise so much. We all saw the start of a fascist movement a decade ago and Republican voters still haven’t figured it out.

  12. “Daily Boulder” seems to be a fake news site or at minimum, AI bot written.

    Could we stick to verifiable news sites instead, please?

  13. Trump himself has said people are “poisoning the blood of our country.” He’s called for the termination of the constitution. He did everything he could with his crackpot lawyers to try and overturn an election (a bunch of them caught cases because of him.) Fox News was sued millions for going along with his lies. Him and his allies have outright said if he loses it will be a ‘bloodbath’ and has also called for a second civil war. He most definitely wants to fill government rolls with a bunch of his loyalists.

    He constantly calls America ‘a failing nation’ and how it’s being ‘destroyed.’ He has proven time and time again he has no respect for the military. Many of his former staffers have called him a threat and a danger. And outright call him an idiot. He’s a literal rapist and a felon. And has even more counts against him pending. He’s been involved with countless frauds. The guys been in thousands of court cases in his life. He’s ripped off and scammed so many people. He goes around attacking political opponents, models, the press, and celebrities calling them losers and what not. And the list goes on.

    You reap what you sow. If you’re a loud mouth asshole that’s divisive, encourages doubt, habitual criminal, constantly undermining everything unfavorable to you, and say insane things on a daily basis people are going to grow tired of it and yes, will try and go after you sooner or later. Not exactly great it gets to this point but he has literally no one to blame but himself. I still don’t understand how anyone in his party just thinks all of this lunacy is normal. Or how anyone can even support this to begin with.

  14. Trump was lucky Harris did not go all out in the debate. He would have been flopping on the floor clutching his coronary while Harris bent over him and kept going on and on and on and on.

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