Is Trump a Nazi in sheep’s clothing?

Adolf Hitler's rise to power and Donald Trump's path to the presidency exhibit some notable similarities, though their contexts and methods differ significantly. Here’s a comparative overview:Populist Appeal:Hitler: Used a populist platform to appeal to widespread discontent in post-World War I Germany. He capitalized on economic hardship, national humiliation, and societal instability to gain popular support.Trump: Similarly tapped into populist sentiments, emphasizing economic frustrations, cultural shifts, and dissatisfaction with the political establishment. His rhetoric resonated with many voters who felt left behind.Charismatic Leadership:Hitler: Projected a strong, charismatic persona that inspired a sense of strong leadership and a vision for national revival.Trump: Also used a charismatic and unconventional style, presenting himself as a decisive and authoritative figure who could bring change.Anti-Establishment Sentiment:Hitler: Exploited anti-establishment feelings by criticizing the Weimar Republic’s failures and promising a new direction for Germany.Trump: Ran as an outsider challenging the political elite, criticizing both major parties and promising to drain the swamp.Use of Media:Hitler: Effectively used propaganda, including newspapers, radio, and rallies, to spread his message and consolidate power.Trump: Utilized modern media, particularly social media and cable news, to amplify his message, bypass traditional media filters, and engage directly with his base.Exploitation of National Crises:Hitler: Took advantage of economic crises (the Great Depression) and political instability to advance his agenda and undermine democratic institutions.Trump: Leveraged concerns over economic inequality, immigration, and cultural changes to mobilize his support base and challenge the status quo.Polarization and Division:Hitler: Created a narrative of us-versus-them, targeting Jews, communists, and other groups as scapegoats for Germany’s problems.Trump: Employed divisive rhetoric, often targeting immigrants, minorities, and political opponents, to galvanize his base and create a sense of conflict.Disregard for Norms:Hitler: Undermined democratic institutions and norms to consolidate power, using legal means to dismantle the Weimar Republic’s democratic structures.Trump: Challenged democratic norms and institutions, particularly around election integrity and the peaceful transfer of power, leading to significant controversy and debate.Despite these similarities, it is crucial to note that the contexts, scale, and consequences of their actions are vastly different. Hitler’s regime led to widespread atrocities and genocide, while Trump’s tenure, while controversial, did not result in comparable systemic violence or atrocities.

Don't forget the German people turned a blind eye to Hitler. We don't have the luxury of being that naive. Is Donald Trump a Nazi? You can answer that for yourself. He may not be, but I suspect the "same old playbook" Kamala Harris has been referencing might in part just be Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf.

Posted by Longjumping-Voice609

  1. He’s hardly in sheeps clothing. He’s been the most blatant fuckin racist president and person to ever run for office. The media has just normalized his racism.

  2. Noam Chomsky compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler in a 2016 interview with *The Intercept*. Chomsky drew parallels between Trump’s rhetoric and tactics and those of Hitler, focusing on the ways both used fear and division to gain and maintain power. He was particularly concerned with Trump’s demagoguery and the broader implications for democracy and society. It’s been almost 10 years, and the GOP still can’t control Trump. It’s not just bad faith politics anymore; it’s really concerning how weak, timid, and spineless the party has become.

  3. Scary that this is even a question. But I’d go with his VP pick who knows him best and called him “America’s Hitler.” What else do you need to know?

  4. Sheep’s clothing? No, I’ve been calling him on his Nazi bullshit for years. The power consolidation in Project 2025 is a rip off of Hitler’s 1933 Enabling Act. Figure it out. We’ve got a real Nazi problem in the US.

  5. tRump is a nazi in oversized, ill-fitting, yet ridiculously expensive suits, cheap bronzer, shoe lifts, a girdle, and a diaper.

  6. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” – Joseph Goebbels, head of propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 – 1945

    Looks like somebody has an idol

  7. what’s the sheep’s clothing bullshit?

    he ain’t pretending.

    if you can’t see it’s because you chose not to.

    did anybody catch his press blitz yesterday where they asked him about the pipe bomb threats in Ohio and he pretended like he didn’t have enough information to state that Americans shouldn’t be threatened with pipe bombs.

  8. His family has been damaging our country for nearly a century.  See: Old Man Trump by Woody Guthrie for further reference.

    There are too few paragraph breaks up there for me at the moment, but the only similarity is that they were both considered bland and ridiculous until they got a platform to spread fear and racism blatantly to undereducated and susceptible masses.

  9. They want Donald to be a Hitler. He wants to be a Hitler. But he’s too dumb and keeps shooting himself in the foot. Hitler served in the military, Donald had bone spurs. He must be trying to shoot the bone spurs.

  10. Oh, fun! Another case of the media decided to bring up a recurring pattern of dictatorial behavior like it’s something new that we’re only just now noticing, and then ask a question surrounding the topic like it’s something that hasn’t yet been considered at length. That way, if the problem gets out of hand, the media and the people can both go, “Aw, geez, we didn’t see the problem until it was too late and there was nothing we could do!” Sure, the country will be in the shitter, but think of the shareholder value created by all those eyes on all those clickbait ads!

    Honestly, US media needs to *do better*.

  11. One similarity is Trump’s life-long belief in the genetic superiority of some people vs. others, and the role that should play in daily life/long-term, population planning.

    Trump has expressed this in both positive ways (said first-wife Ivana was an athletic, blond European with good genes and that’s why he picked her, etc., and that the way they breed horses to get better horses is the way humanity should “breed,”) and negatively (shit-hole countries and their people, good northern European people should be our immigration priority, immigrants are poisoning America because they are inferior).

    There are also, as others have mentioned, interesting political/campaign parallels too; from his flying-in to rallies (Nuremberg, is one example but Hitler was very conscious of his using the airplane to fly around Germany like some super-hero). to his use of direct media (radio vs. Twitter/Truth Social), to Trump’s messianic “I am the State,” rhetoric, to his claims that the nation needs him and loves him and that he is the only solution.

    Other than that, he’s nothing like the NAZIS. /s

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