Breaking News: Qatar to Supply Half Its PzH 2000 Howitzers to Ukraine After Buying German RCH 155 8×8 howitzers

Breaking News: Qatar to Supply Half Its PzH 2000 Howitzers to Ukraine After Buying German RCH 155 8×8 howitzers×8-howitzers

by Noidea_whats_goingon

  1. I save you the click on that awful website. They will transfer 12 of them. First to Germany to be fiddled with for a bit and then to Ukraine.

  2. Probably gonna take a while since the RCH 155 doesn’t exist yet. The first one’s supposed to get built in 2025

  3. With Qatar being neutral until this, you got to wonder if the Kursk invasion might have had something to do with this. You could interpret this as Qatar picking the side they think will win lol auto correct 

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