Grown ass men (Russian serfs) getting taped to a tree and punched cause they refuse to go on an assault in Ukraine without a sufficient number of vehicles

Grown ass men (Russian serfs) getting taped to a tree and punched cause they refuse to go on an assault in Ukraine without a sufficient number of vehicles

by OkBand345

  1. Truly barbaric treatment of ones own troops, or even your enemy. I cant even imagine how they treat the Ukrainian POW’s (well, actually, there is a lot of information on that).

  2. They were to drunk to fight, that was the reason. It was posted a month or so ago with translation.

  3. Get them some handguns and tell them where their tormentors sleep. If no handguns, grenades will be fine.

  4. ruski mir, such a wonderful life. Wished they kept it at making their own miserable. Stop spreading your misery.

  5. Wasn’t this posted a few weeks ago but with the accusation they were caught drinking on the job?

  6. You do this to a guy and then battle you think he’s going to cover you or help evac you if you’re wounded? Certainly doesn’t foster esprit de corps.

    Let em keep doing it.

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