Funny where some folks draw the line…

Funny where some folks draw the line…

Posted by Scrambled_Creature

  1. People tend to snap out of idiocy as they and their family/friends become personally effected. It’s kinda sad this was the act that did it…but whatever.

  2. Ironic how the *shut up and dribble* crowd now gives a shit about sports figures or, in this case, their wives.

  3. This feels more like she doesn’t want to piss off Taylor Swift or be collateral damage in the fight. “Don’t drag me into this!”

  4. Or the overt racism… TOWARDS YOUR HUSBAND AND BIRACIAL CHILDREN. It was the shade against Taylor Swift that made me rethink my support

    Braindead blow up doll

  5. ‘Fuck I’m not gonna be on TV with her during games in the box if I’m actively supporting Trump…’

  6. She just wants to keep being palsies with Tay-Tay.

    Seems both her, her family, and Mahomes’ mom are Trumpers. She’s going to say this, but vote Trump. Bet on it.

  7. She’s trash and only news worthy for being the cock locker for a successful football star.

  8. Hey now! We can’t have rudeness to Taylor! Crimes against humanity, sure but can we have some standards!?

  9. Let’s face it. She’s trying to save face so Taylor doesn’t kick her to the curb. She’s still voting for trump though.

  10. Mr. Garrison comes to mind….

    Aww what’s wrong? You don’t like me hating on Taylor Swift? That’s your line? Not all the times I’ve said I’m gonna f%&k all the immigrants to de@th? Or how immigrants eat your pets? Or all the racist, misogynistic ramblings? Or the potential links to Jeffrey Epstein? Or all the Qanon sh!t?

    Also, is he actually riding around in Epsteins private jet these days?

  11. There’s a lot of single issue voters that draw different lines. Hell there’s Dems that won’t vote Harris because of Gaza. We all have our things that we put more emphasis on or think are more important. There ain’t a major politician out there that don’t have some kind of stank on them (maybe Bernie).

    This is part of Dems issue too; you gotta give support to people that question Trump at this point. You can’t talk shit or make fun of people that are looking to switch to your side.

  12. Because she is realizing that a Taylor Swift friendship will make her an instant celebrity.

    Imagine your husband, his best friend, and his girlfriend all being massive celebrities, and you are just “some guy’s wife”.

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