[OC] US incarceration rate compared to European rate. Despite making up only 5% of the world’s population, the US is home to around 25% of all convicts worldwide.

[OC] US incarceration rate compared to European rate. Despite making up only 5% of the world’s population, the US is home to around 25% of all convicts worldwide.

Posted by Professional-Air-368

  1. The first rule in America is to stay out of the judicial system as much as possible. The gears are somewhat rigid.

  2. Meanwhile people in America think this the US is too “soft on crime.” We could have half the population in prison, and they’d still be saying that.

  3. Oh hey look. it’s that same map again.

    All the maps seems to have the same distribution, I wonder why that is.

  4. Europe has far fewer black people to systematically oppress and sell into legal slavery by making up a drug war and hyper-concentrating poverty.

  5. I’ll never understand why people don’t understand get: Europe, up until relatively recently, was mono cultural in that they only have one culture’s lowlife/thug/criminal element to deal with. The US has to deal with the lowlifes of entire continents at the same time.

  6. I thought this said US incineration rate, and that this was about burial in an urn, compared to a casket.

  7. 10 times more likely to be in jail in the United States than Europe. Wow, that’s a huge significant increase.

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