David Lammy, Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom: «Putin said, don’t send tanks. We sent them. Putin said, don’t send any missiles, we sent them. Putin threatens every few months to use nuclear weapons, it’s totally unaccepted. We won’t be bullied by Putin’s shameless grandstanding.»

David Lammy, Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom:
«Putin said, don’t send tanks. We sent them. Putin said, don’t send any missiles, we sent them. Putin threatens every few months to use nuclear weapons, it’s totally unaccepted. We won’t be bullied by Putin’s shameless grandstanding.»


by PieceAffectionate460

  1. Thank God for the UK, pretty much the only major nation ally of Ukraine who has had the balls to go all in and called out Putin for what he is.

  2. He unleashed a radiological weapon on the streets of London to kill Litvinenko. Then he deployed a chemical weapon on UK soil to try and kill Skripal and laughed off the outrage. His minions made jokes about wanting to see the “world renowned spires of Salisbury”. UK tax money well spent.

  3. Exactly! The West must lift all weapons restrictions, so Ukrainians forces can finish what Putin started! Slava Ukraini.

  4. I haven’t paid very close attention to what the UK has been up to. Is it generally accepted that they actually seem to want Ukraine to win rather than the common objective of letting Ukraine suffer while Russia chews through it prime age male population?

  5. You’re right. Now actually give ukraine serious aid. How far the uk and fance are behind germany is shameful. Germany has twice the lethal aid given as the the uk and France. I really don’t understand how the uk France and Italy don’t get more criticism considering how little they’ve actually given by the numbers.

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