Sky News: Woman ‘shocked’ at being fined £500 for fly-tipping after leaving cabinet outside for passers-by to take

Sky News: Woman ‘shocked’ at being fined £500 for fly-tipping after leaving cabinet outside for passers-by to take

by Arcoo33

  1. I like how they got her art in the background. She knew where she wanted her picture taken for the story

  2. “Outside” here seens to be code for “on property that isn’t hers”. Take it to a second hand store or offer it up on facebook, don’t dump it on the street and claim you’re doing us a favour.

  3. >Ms Pepin added: “Actually it’s a nice thing to do for your community and a good way to recycle useful, unwanted items. We’re all supposed to be trying to be greener – recycle, reduce, reuse.

    Yeah, if people are aware that you’re giving it away then maybe. Otherwise no, it’s still fly tipping.

    Also there’s places you take items if you want to give them away.

  4. Thats been the way things happen everywhere I’ve lived, as long as it’s not damaged. Plus metal scrap for the scrap people.

  5. She put it on the pavement rather than inside her boundary. Probably due to that bus parked behind her.

    Hence it is fly tipping…

  6. Ahh yes, simply dumping what you don’t want on the side of the road. How shocking to be charged for exactly that. 

  7. Council are doing this more and more I leave anything I’m giving away on the end of my drive and on my property

  8. As soon as he told me he was filming me I’d have shut the door. The fact she had rectified her mistake makes this feel a very heavy handed approach.

  9. Good I’m tired of people leaving absolute tat which should be tipped outside with a “Free” sign. All that happens is kids take it and break it and then you have debris scattered everywhere.

  10. “After five days….”

    How long does it take to find out that no one else wants your junk?

    Was she taking it in at night or allowing passers-by to fall over it?

  11. Once put a whole ass car door on the street in front of my house and it was gone inside 15 minutes. Rag and bone man don’t mess around.

  12. I get people saying that maybe the fact she left it on on her property without a sign makes it fly tipping.

    It still doesn’t warrant a £500 fine. We’re perfectly capable of judging people by the intent of their actions; somebody should have just asked her to move it into her boundary and that would be the end of it.

    If you’re celebrating this like it’s some win for following the letter of the law you need to get out more.

  13. I don’t see the problem with putting items out for others to take, it’s quick and easy, no need for transport or whatever. It happens a lot round here and I’m sure most people think it’s just part of being a community. The council are being very heavy handed.

  14. If it’s too big to leave in your front garden or on a wall then it will probably block the pavement. For five days as well, not surprised they fined her.

    Also, I get leaving small things out for people to take, but a cabinet? Who’s taking that?

  15. Needlessly heavy handed. If she’d refused to move it, fine.

    I’ve picked up all sorts of things this way over the years, my partner and I jokingly refer to it as the Brighton recycling scheme!

  16. To be fair if they dont tax normal people £500 for non-issues like this how else will they afford to clean up the mattresses and commercial fly-tippers shit that they can’t be bothered to catch…

  17. It’s annoying, it’s low hanging fruit, and it doesn’t tackle the organised crime of fly-tipping, but it’s easy money for the councils.

    Welcome to the future 🤷‍♂️

  18. left outside with a message on facebook local group. normally someone will take within a day or so, if not then take to the dump

  19. Odd, in Australia it’s normal to leave things on the grass verge and people take it. It’s natural recycling.

  20. We did this once when we moved but it was on the driveway and we put a sign on to say ‘free to a good home’. Everything went fast the same day. Eventually they even took the sign. The sign makes the difference

  21. I think without context (pic of the cabinet) it’s difficult to tell if it’s fly tipping or not really

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