Disney’s Aladdin will be filmed in Birmingham for artistic authenticity

Disney’s Aladdin will be filmed in Birmingham for artistic authenticity

by nomad_Henry

  1. well that looks kinda dangerous, but since it’s Bermingham, i trust that each of those lads has handled knives since they were little children.

  2. Imagine if they race swap Aladdin as they did Snow White. Timothy Chamalet would be a good fit

  3. It’s the monthly knife crime festival of Birmingham. It’s a celebration of all things knife crime. they are integrating well into British society.

  4. It’s nice to see integration working for once, the immigrants seem to really be taking to the local British custom of carrying large knives everywhere they go.

    They seem to still be a bit wary of stabbing eachother, but with proper educational programs they’ll fit in seemlessly in no time.

  5. I dare you motherfucker! Say one more bad word about the Sikh folk in Birmingham and we’ll throw you out of the EU.

    The Sikhs are the loveliest folk you have on your depressing island.

  6. The Barry brigade here aren’t doing themselves any favours. Imagine coming here to lecture others about how the video is of Sikhs but not realising that the group aren’t even Sikhs.

    Truly the British education system has failed. Time to put down the Guinness lads.

  7. This is peak integration, they are mixing their dance with the stabbing culture of the UK 🥺🕺🔪

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