After 2 years of peddling Putin’s propaganda, the IMF is returning to Russia in open defiance of the West

After 2 years of peddling Putin’s propaganda, the IMF is returning to Russia in open defiance of the West

by newzee1

  1. This is actually one of the things I as a regular guy have wondered about. What is up with the IMF? Why do they insist on treating Russia as a normal country with a normal economy? Whatever opinion one may have on Russia, there is no getting around that they are currently a war economy, creating debt to produce a product that blows up and thus creates no value for the incurred debt.

    It just makes no sense to treat them as you would a EU country in an economic perspective.

    So what is going on? Have the Russians infiltrated this organisation as well? It is highly suspicious to put it mildly.

    I’d love to be a fly on the wall in the CIA.

  2. It’s such a weird position to take from the IMF as Russia openly defies every policy the IMF sets. It is clearly a war economy creating public debt to finance it’s aggressive acts. Yet the IMF holds them to the same standards as Luxembourg.

    It’s directorate must be corrupt or corrupted, it makes 0 sense economic policy wise. This should be the moral bankruptcy of the IMF and the west should threat it as such

  3. I’m going to please ignorance of IMF i really never looked into it and I think alot of people overlook it.

  4. Add the IMF to the list of international organisations that need rebuilding from the ground up. European Union, NATO, FIDE, Olympic Committee, IRC. Rebuild so that nations that are judged by a qualified majority of their peers not to satisfy ground rules of transparency and freedom can have their voting rights suspended.

  5. It’s fascinating how international organisations such as IMF or WHO that were built by the US to project or ensure its power has been completely hijacked by anti US/West powers.

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