Lukashenko says Belarus ‘not aggressive’ toward Poland

Lukashenko says Belarus ‘not aggressive’ toward Poland,lukashenko-says-belarus-not-aggressive-toward-poland

by dat_9600gt_user

  1. Interview audio available in the article

    >Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko has claimed that Minsk’s policy towards Warsaw “is not aggressive.”

    >He made the statement during a recent meeting in the Belarusian capital with representatives of various national minorities living in the country.

    >”I don’t want to say that we have excellent relations with all Poles living in Poland, but 99 percent of the Poles understand our policy, and, I am sure, support it,” Lukashenko said, as cited by Belarusian state news agency Belta.

    >He added: “Our policy is not aggressive towards Poland. We are not trying to impose our policy or fight a war with Poland.”

    >In his speech, Lukashenko referred to [Andrzej Poczobut](,poland-demands-release-of-journalist-jailed-by-belarus), a Polish journalist and activist imprisoned in Belarus.

    >Lukashenko claimed that Poczobut, who was sentenced last year to eight years in a maximum-security penal colony—in a case widely seen as politically motivated—would have been released long time if Warsaw had truly wanted it.

    >Instead, he argued, Poland is using the issue to worsen relations between the two countries.

    >”Mr. Poczobut is a journalist so in his case it is also his arbitrary detention,” said Anaïs Marin, a French political scientist and UN special rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus.

    >”I know it is something very important for the government of Poland and for Polish people because of his origins and because of his involvement in one association, in particular, which has been classified as extremist by the government,” Marin told Radio Poland’s **Danuta Isler** in an interview.

    >Source: eng. belta. by

  2. Degenerate enough to covertly murder a soldier of ours, cowardly enough to deny it. That’s Lukashenko for you.

  3. “… we will not invade Ukraine… It’s just a military exercise…”

    Were those not the words of Vladimir Putin when he was amassing troops at the Ukranian border?

    Don’t trust Russian nor their lapdogs. Nobody is buying it…

  4. Is not aggressive toqard poland = lukashenko has at least entertained the thought of invading poland

  5. Ah yes, using refugees as a weapon is not aggressive at all. At this point we should start investing in a big concrete barrier with watch towers all along our borders with Russia and its puppets

  6. Yeah duh. Thats what I’d say too.

    Poland would fucking obliterate the Belarusian military in a week. 3 days if Finland joins in for fun.

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