“How did a mentally ill person have access to guns in the first place?”

“How did a mentally ill person have access to guns in the first place?”

Posted by SchpeederMan

  1. Some decision makers work to create a society full of unbalanced people armed with war weapons. They don’t live in this society like the rest, they live above it looking down.

  2. The proverbial leopard once again biting the proverbial face. But… Blame Biden/Harris… of course!

  3. Definition of insanity, doing the same thing expecting different results.

    Oh no, another shooting, this time my thoughts and prayers will work.

  4. I don’t understand why Republicans are upset. Crazy people are allowed to have guns, and good guys with guns stopped them. This is a conservative utopia. Shootings are a fact of life, we have to get over it.

  5. I also read he just flew in from HI and bought all this shit when he got there…

    Not sure if it’s true or not but it wouldn’t surprise me at all, it’s what they seen to want. No matter how many dead people.

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