A new Rudy scandal: FBI agent says Giuliani was co-opted by Russian intelligence

A new Rudy scandal: FBI agent says Giuliani was co-opted by Russian intelligence

A New Rudy Scandal: FBI Agent Says Giuliani Was Co-opted by Russian Intelligence

Posted by GloomyTraffic6700

  1. Whoa whoa whoa Rudy is innocent. He has proof of his innocence, he just keeps it tucked down the front of his pants when he is ā€œtucking his shirt inā€ while a horrified girl interviewing him has to call security.

  2. Oh you mean the so called mayor that knowingly married his 1st cousin?

    That tracks accurate for some reason.

  3. Lev Parnas & Igor Fruman both told the justice department back in 2018 that Rudy had become compromised was working with Russian oligarchs!

  4. The guy who was about 5 seconds from whipping his dick out in front of what he thought was a 15 year old Russian journalist? Get out of here!

  5. Itā€™s all about the money- get a seat of power and the greed kicks in. America politicians can be bought for so cheap- a hostile country doesnā€™t need a war, invest a few billion in buying 1000 of politicians and they watch as democracy gets shredded from the inside

  6. The FBI should tell us who all are compromised before the election so magas might reconsider who they vote for.

  7. *Hahahaha – of course he always wasā€¦ how did they get the kompromat? Did they send in a pretty young girl to interview him in his hotel room, and help him take his clothes off? I think I saw that in the cinema*

  8. it was common knowledge in 2020 that he was working with andrii derkach, who is a russian asset. there were multiple news articles about it. rudy even bragged that there was only a “fifty-fifty chance” that he was working with derkach and russia to share disinformation.

  9. They all were!! Some got money and some did it for free. Rudy Iā€™ll assume took money, and will do so again even more so now that he flat on his back broke.

  10. NEW???? Where tf has the FBI been the past two decades?!

    Giuliani was kicked out of the 9/11 Commission because his company had goals in direct contrast with those of the United States.

  11. Itā€™s gonna be annoying as fuck in like 5 years when a movie comes out detailing how MAGA was basically just a Russian propaganda campaign and then most republicans act completely shocked and taken advantage of, after we spent a decade trying to explain it to them.

    And of course there will be a subset of them who still act like Trump is Jesus

  12. We need to drain the orange MAGA swamp.

    Enough of this.

    Kamala 2024. Vote blue!

  13. mail this to 30 years ago. we know. It’s why he stopped going after organized crime after pushing out Italian families.

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