I was mentally ready, but when I saw my dad, it took 20 minutes for my eyes to get used to it. this is what he looks like now. was in captivity for 2 years and 4 months. the second photo is from January 2022, which I took before he left for Mariupol – Alina

I was mentally ready, but when I saw my dad, it took 20 minutes for my eyes to get used to it. this is what he looks like now. was in captivity for 2 years and 4 months. the second photo is from January 2022, which I took before he left for Mariupol – Alina

by Exotic-Strawberry667

  1. These words and photos are from Alina on Twitter. Please direct any personal messages to her there

    >I will also write that he feels normal, is in a good mood, jokes, as always gives instructions and very, very, often speaks for his brothers who are still there. wishes everyone to return home soon.

    >Good beautiful people! and again, thank you all very much for your wishes and incredible support! well, it’s just a breakdown, I’ll tell you how many messages I receive 🤍, because they asked – no help is needed, no money is needed, everything is fine

    >I hugged my father a lot today, and I still can’t get over it.

    Source: https://x.com/alina_smo/status/1835762687357419573

  2. Glad your dad is home now. Wish him a speedy recovery and lots of borscht, vareniki, and pilemeni. The world is indebted to him for his bravery and sacrifice. I hope we (USA) will gather the courage to raise our level of support for Ukraine.

  3. We have seen it before. We said never again. Yet here we are… again.

    Wishing the best recovery possible.

  4. Lord…..

    I’m lost for words…..

    Rap your arms around, be gentle…

    So wish this was over for Ukrainians 🇺🇦

  5. I really hope we see the likes of Shoigu and Gerasimov on trial in the Hague for the world to see when this is all over

  6. Glad your father is home .speedy recovery to him and hope this is all over soon for all Ukrainian people.and you can grieve the losses and try to get back to normality and a peaceful life again.and may Russia rot in hell .for the shit they have caused from day 1 to your people,🌹Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧

  7. It is somehow ironic that the countries that underwent the most radical revolutions to break from the past is the one that has most held onto all the evils that modern world has rejected.

  8. The Russians are making skin suits for skeletons. Beheadings. Execution. Torture.

    They somehow believe that this is WWII Redux and they are fighting for their country’s survival. In reality I think all parties would prefer they just fuck off and go away.

    I’m saddened to have to add another hero to the long list. I hope he lives the rest of his allotment in peace and contentment.

  9. Slava Ukraini! I am just an American lay-person, but I’ve spent about $600 since the war to help Ukrainian people. Great to see the heroes make it home. Heroyam Slava!

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