A serviceman from Russian 239th Tank Regiment of the 90th Tank Division recorded a video, revealing that he and other soldiers were being illegally detained in a pit under horrific conditions, without access to food or water.

A serviceman from Russian 239th Tank Regiment of the 90th Tank Division recorded a video, revealing that he and other soldiers were being illegally detained in a pit under horrific conditions, without access to food or water.

by BigDeckBob

  1. Sometimes I think, they want them to breed, like orcs did in LotR so they put them inside the cages in mud and dirt.

  2. Yeah, well, we keep seeing it happen, and we keep seeing Russians bend over and take it.

    Whine whine whine, but action? Nothing.

  3. Ok they have no clothes, no water and no food but hey they have a mobile phone to send help where did they get that out? XD

  4. **Ashes and dust and thirst there is, and pits, pits, pits.** **And Orcses, thousands of Orcses.** **And always the Great Eye watching, watching.** – Gollum.

  5. That is what russians do to their own soldiers. So you can’t even imagine what they doing to ukranian POW

  6. Doubt it. More likely that’s Ukrainian PoWs. Why are they all naked, and he’s fully clothed, AND has his phone?

  7. Pooty’s 3 day operation has been like a travel brochure to the world on what a shithole country he runs

  8. The utter savagery of this terrorist state’s army defies words. Why do these pitiful serfs put up with it?

  9. TikTok leader – Ukrainian POW’s are treated well

    Video proof Russians don’t even treat their own solders well lol

  10. I do feel sorry for some Russians in the same way that I feel sorry about some of the German people during WW2. I know that on an academic level it’s not everyone who supports the regime. But occasionally you see something that makes you think what is happening, why don’t more people revolt and perhaps overthrow the government. Not everyone wants to fight, especially when they have had such a pounding from the increasingly brave Ukrainian Army. I don’t know. The Russians certainly do know how to do brutal

  11. How is “he” under those kind of conditions when He is the only one who stands out & has an actual Sweater? lol

  12. Welcome to putins war. Why don’t these guys get a weapon and over take their commanders and revolt. Why put up with this? They are most likely going to die one way or another anyway.

  13. Illegally? Seems quite common practice there. They still haven’t accepted that they are nothing but fodder.

  14. If they do this to their own imagine what they do to the POW’s. These bastards are sick.

  15. You ask why the ruZZkies are so ready to suicide themselves? Here is why – you can make a human behave like an animal with animalistic tendencies and aggression and wishing to end this ASAP.

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