Russian man sentenced to 8 years in prison for murdering student from Gabon for flirting with a woman

Russian man sentenced to 8 years in prison for murdering student from Gabon for flirting with a woman

by duckanroll

  1. 8 years in prison or … a few months on the front line, who knows, if you’re lucky, you’ll make it through the year.

  2. I have a colleague from Gabon who studied in Russia for 5 years, basically said that when he arrives it was horrible. People would spit on him, and one of his friends got assaulted for dancing with a Russian woman. When he left he said that the situation was better (2019ish), apparently it’s reverting.

  3. I’ve heard stories about low level drug dealers and even people possessing drugs getting 10 years in jail. Strange world.

  4. During COVID many people did not believe in its existence until fell ill.

    With enormous help of USSR/Russia propaganda, situation with USSR and Russia was/is almost the same. Enormous portion of Africa and Latin America population, because they weren’t part of 1920-2020s Russian atrocities, just cannot get that Russian imperialism and racism much worse than Western one.

    In general, because of educational differences. And ideologically, because unlike Christian supremacists, Soviet/Russian utilitarian supremacists saw/see “lesser” not like “lesser people”, but as “fully malleable biomaterial.”

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