‘Really dumb’: Conservative columnist bursts out laughing as asked about J.D. Vance on CNN

‘Really dumb’: Conservative columnist bursts out laughing as asked about J.D. Vance on CNN


Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. All taking the credit never the blame and not knowing that their bullshit started the fire in the first place

  2. Trump isn’t going to have anyone around him who he feels is smarter than he is. It would hurt his fragile ego, and make him paranoid about being overthrown, most likely.

  3. I do love the fact that since the debate the rhetoric the lies the violence. More Republicans are waking up. A prominent conservative writer for the Washington Post said that Republicans need to hold the Senate but Donald Trump needs to lose the election. Hopefully they keep up their insanity to the very end. I know Trump will do his part because he can’t help himself. So let’s hope they keep this going some more and more Republicans break free of the Kool-Aid haze.

  4. “Tone down the rhetoric”? Nah that is not what real maga patriots do. Maga patriots are never EVER wrong, so why would they ever need to “tone down” or, maga god forbid, apologize for anything? If facts differ from what a maga patriot said, then facts need to be subjugated to “alternative facts”. Period.

  5. What does Paul Pelosi think about the rhetoric coming from the right? He was hospitalized by someone who believed it. What’s the opinion of the Haitian migrants who are being terrorized by the right’s rhetoric?

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