„Ich bin ein Vergewaltiger“, gesteht Ehemann Dominique Pelicot im französischen Massenvergewaltigungsprozess

„Ich bin ein Vergewaltiger“, gesteht Ehemann Dominique Pelicot im französischen Massenvergewaltigungsprozess


  1. This is not just rape. It’s the foundational goal of toxic masculinity culture to dehumanize women by reducing them to the reproductive essentials.

    I’d never have thought that smb would come to the defence of toxic masculinity and misogyny. It’s incredible!

    You know Musk mused about it too.

  2. What the hell did I just read?? This is an insane case. This poor woman 🙁 I hope they manage to put everyone involved in jail for life

  3. What angers me the most is that he is only facing 20 years. 20 years for taking her life (one of the 72 rapists was HIV positive).

    France banned death penalties, but the least they could do is guarantee he spends the rest of his life locked up and alone in a cell. Still, I can’t believe French citizens would still have to waste tax money on him.

    EDIT: thanks for clarifying on HIV and the unlikeliness of the rapist’s transmission to her. It’s worth noting, though, that she tested positive to 4 STDs.

  4. at least he has the fraction of a shred of humanity left to admit his guilt and take down the rest of his accomplices with him. i hope they all rot.

  5. He says it started with a conversation with a male nurse online who encouraged the idea. And that’s where the “addiction” started.

    I’m willing to bet his porn searches were less than agreeable and if he was repressing these it’s possible it became a worse and worse appetite.

    People need to look at their sexual perversions not as opportunities for crime, but as ways to CONSENSUALLY explore with like minded fetishists.

    In other words he probably should’ve talked to his wife first and opened up about a kink. Instead a million things happened and now dudes a mass rapist that still reportedly “loves” his wife.

  6. I hope this ass is treated in prison, the same way he treated his wife and daughter, but without sedatives.

  7. This is one of those cases I would like to have wiped from my memory when the technology becomes available. Beyond disgusting.

  8. The fact that SO many people knew what was happening, the site he advertised to come assault her on was “she has no idea” and not one person said anything is indicative of how prevalent rape culture is, this is why women chose the bear.

  9. What a brave women! Bravo to her for sharing this horrendous story. I hope she gets all the love and support in the future, her daughter as well.

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