‘It’s a near guarantee’: Experts warn Trump will claim victory no matter what voters say – Raw Story

‘It’s a near guarantee’: Experts warn Trump will claim victory no matter what voters say – Raw Story


Posted by GloomyTraffic6700

  1. Of course he will. He’s desperate and lies like hell about virtually everything, even petty, unimportant shit. This should not be surprising to anyone.

  2. That’s why it’s so important to vote blue right down the ticket so there is no chance for debate.

  3. Why is this a post? We all know this already. Are some people just waking up and getting out under their rock or something.

  4. He’s been laying the groundwork for this election year for the past couple of years… This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.

    This clown is such a loser… Always has been, always will be.

  5. The whole message he’s been working on since 2015 is that everyone is out to get him and “they’re gonna come after me, just watch”, so that when he does really shitty stuff and gets in trouble he can say “see, look at the corruption.”

  6. Trump is a malignant narcissist. He is fucking incapable of handling *even the mere idea* of losing or facing the reality of not winning and not being at the top.

    A man like that should never even be in politics but I guess the lure of people shouting his name at rallies is just impossible to resist for a narcissist like Trump. He needs the endless ego massage and worship he gets from his cultist supporters.

    He will cry and complain and yell angrily and probably go to court and whatever like he did in 2020. He will blame everyone, I mean everyone, including his supporters. He will try to incite violence again.

    And he will fail. America might have to go through hell but it will survive and Trump will be gone.

  7. You don’t say.

    It doesn’t take experts to predict that. Anyone who’s been alive and conscious for the last ten years or so knows what he’s going to do.

  8. Well the good news is that this time around we have a president in charge who actually cares about democracy and the well-being of our nation.

    If trump tries to organize another rally in DC after he loses, Biden can order the national guard to surround the rally and keep the peace. He understands that we can’t set the precedent to allow domestic terror attacks every time the Cons lose. Cons are sick in the head and would happily burn DC to the ground to put trump in power, but the military will be prepared this time.

  9. Trump has threatened bloodshed of he doesn’t win. He still claims he won in 2020 so obviously 2024 will be no different. We have over 100 election deniers working as election officials, we have fake electors from 2020 now real electors for 2024 and we have people promising not to certify a Harris win as to hand the election to an illegitimate, unethical SCOTUS.

    We have guaranteed trouble ahead.

  10. The minute the final poll closes Kamala Harris should immediately go on TV and announce she is the winner, accepting the office of the president and start her victory celebration.

    Don’t even give him a chance, just claim it and let’s go!

  11. Fuck Putin and anybody who supports the I-will-never-give-up-power type leaders of the world (e.g. Trump).

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