PFA response to Rodri’s comments re potential player strike action.

PFA response to Rodri’s comments re potential player strike action.

by Just_Code_8750

  1. I hope they strike. We need less matches for their safety and for fans wallets. You can only oversaturate a market so much before it gets detrimental.

  2. Less matches!

    If they insist on having such a full calendar, allow for more substitutions and give a maximum number of games a player can play in a season for a club, lets say 50. Also do away with the obligation to show up to the NT.

  3. I don’t mind it. The fans don’t really suffer from a strike, we’ll just to have wait it out for a bit before the fixtures return. It’s authorities who really suffer from it. So if that’s what it takes to be gone of all this ridiculous fixture congestion and meaningless competitions then good

  4. Let the salaries drop in accordance, if teams need the TV money so badly then the market can just cut back to adjust

  5. I’d love to see the players strike. Players have so little agency in football it’s sad. It’s time to be reminded who makes this all possible.

  6. I’m going to get downvoted for this but I’m of the complete opposite opinion.

    These players are earning disgusting amounts of money for kicking a ball maybe once or twice per week at most for maybe 10 years or so. Afterwards they are set for life and won’t have to work a single day of their lives unless they want to themselves.

    Would they take pay cuts in return of playing less matches? I’m very doubtful.

  7. Just a question, here. But as a club, knowing that I have so many matches, why don’t they rest their top players more, and have bigger squads? In the end, more games is more money, so they shouldn’t have issues paying more, better players.

    As a note, I believe the players should play less, it’s too much, but what’s the other angle of this? Obviously money for the organizations, so they want more, is there a happy medium? Thoughts?

  8. UEFA – “we can’t have the Super League because it would mean more games!!! Players need rest.”

    Also UEFA – “hey, we’re making bank with this champions League thing, so we added more games, another competition for players to get hurt in, and we’re forcing you play your best team all the time or we’ll fine you. The players will be fine.”

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