A Russian commander, wearing slippers, shorts, and bare-chested, gives a briefing before sending a group of scouts from the 154th Separate Reconnaissance Battalion of the RAF on a combat mission. In the second video, a group of scouts from the 154th Separate Reconnaissance Battalion lies defeateed.

A Russian commander, wearing slippers, shorts, and bare-chested, gives a briefing before sending a group of scouts from the 154th Separate Reconnaissance Battalion of the RAF on a combat mission. In the second video, a group of scouts from the 154th Separate Reconnaissance Battalion lies defeateed.

by BigDeckBob

  1. Thanks to the ultimate sacrifice of these brave men, Putin and other Russian billionaires will be able to eat lobsters and sleep with expensive prostitutes tonight


  2. Fake translation:

    * i don’t give a fuck about you guys, now I would finish this cigarette and return to prostitute, meanwhile you go to meat assault

    Few moments later

    * oh we so fucked up *crying*

  3. The first video:

    The cameraman: “Here is Uncle Sasha prepping guys for their task..”

    Uncle Sasha: “Think with your head… Don’t do anything hotheaded… Before you do something, think… The rest you know, how to move, etc…”

    The second video:

    “What’s with my neck? Fucking hell, I’m so fucking lucky… Feels like I got a frag in my neck though… And can’t hear a thing… Nothing, not a fucking thing…”

  4. I think one of the many major differences between the Russian armed forces and those of Western nations, is that in Russia, a tactical level commander *sends* his troops on a mission, whereas in a Western Army (certainly those trained according to British / Commonwealth norms) a tactical level commander would *lead* his troops on a mission – from the front.

  5. Ethics aside, this is exactly how you command people to do things they don’t want to do. Top down leadership. Yes it’s very inefficient in many ways and it’s very rigid and not particularly adaptable to different circumstances.

    In a country with a population full of people with individuality and autonomy, then top down command like this doesn’t work.

  6. # “What we do now echoes in eternity”

    I can with 99.9% make planes for the weekend. Becuase I know I will be alive. not fighting dumb wars in a country that does not belong to you… Now I want some dinner. Stake,Pizza, Pasta or Asian?

  7. Love how they try to blur the commander’s face 2 seconds after they already showed a clear video of his face lol

    Meanwhile ukranian op sec blurs photos of cats and dogs faces 😂😂

  8. So many clever things to say going thru my mind ..but ultimately, I just end up with …”shitty fuck”

  9. Shuka seems to be the Orcs favorite expression. One can tell a lot about these bunch of losers by their boasting and false bravado, fueled by alcohol and BS.

    These Orcs are all worthless and undisciplined. Ukrainians are fighting for a noble cause and better trained soldiers that follow commands and are loyal to their buddies . The Orcs are a rag tag bunch of low lives, criminals and drunks and are the real expendables, in battle they are worthless and that’s why their performance is so substandard.

    The Russian oligarchs are feeding these low lives, bums and criminals into the army and they they pose a minimal threat to a well trained, disciplined and focused soldier that’s fighting for a cause.

    The Orcs have no cause other than to loot, get some cash, get out o jail and try to survive until they can escape, surrender or go AWOL.

    These Orc bums could care less about family or relatives, they are the scum of the earth, and they should be despise and disposed off as a favor to humanity.

  10. Fucking crazy! IDGAF I am not taking orders from some 80’s wrestler on his way to a bathouse brothel

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