Perilous Consequences Of The AI Revolution In Drone Warfare Spurred By Ukraine Conflict

Perilous Consequences Of The AI Revolution In Drone Warfare Spurred By Ukraine Conflict

Perilous Consequences Of The AI Revolution In Drone Warfare Spurred By Ukraine Conflict

Posted by unravel_geopol_

1 comment
  1. Submission Statement: The advent of AI-enabled drones could bridge the gap between the scale of casualties observed in lone wolf attacks and the attacks directed by a terror group. In fact, even without the AI, terror groups could wreak havoc if they employ the same drone capabilities seen on Ukrainian battlefield in their attacks on cities.

    Social media is abuzz with videos of cheap FPV drones and different loitering munitions destroying vehicles, soldiers and even infrastructure in Ukraine and Russia, with people accross the world cheering for the side they sympathize with. These people should take moment to consider what if these same technologies and tactics are employed in our cities in the markets, trains, malls, hotels, etc.

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