If you live in Telford, Shropshire, look out for this cute capybara, the world’s largest rodent, as she has escaped from Hoo Zoo and Dinosaur World

If you live in Telford, Shropshire, look out for this cute capybara, the world’s largest rodent, as she has escaped from Hoo Zoo and Dinosaur World

by Fried_onions_are_meh

  1. To be honest, all capybaras look alike to me, but I will keep an eye out.

    Oh, hang on, I don’t live in Telford.

    I’ll keep an eye out in Dorset, just in case.

  2. Only one escaped? Shame be great if we could start a wild population of them, they are so cute.

    Not sure if they cause damage but they do live wild in some parts of the world alongside humans.

  3. I wouldn’t look twice if I saw her sitting up at a bar with a pint, they just have that kind of attitude of being chill.

  4. Worlds largest as a species or worlds largest capybara?

      Could be easy to spot if huge 😁  Are we to be looking out for something horse sized?

  5. I looked it up and apparently she’s been missing since Friday!

    If she’s got far enough, this could turn into another Beast of Bodmin Moor situation; maybe for years to come she’ll appear as a distant wombling blur in various low-quality photos of something unrelated.

    For the information of anyone who spots her, her name is Cinnamon, though there’s no guarantee she knows that or will answer to it.

    In all seriousness, I really do hope she’s not too cold or scared, and that she’s still nearby and is found soon. Capybaras are such friendly and good-natured little creatures. Fingers crossed for her.

  6. I seem to remember they said the capybara is friendly but, like all wild animals, if he feels threatened he might tear your face off.

  7. You’re actually allowed to keep capybara, so long as you have a few (they like company) and they have a wallow and shelter.

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