A picture is worth a thousand words….

A picture is worth a thousand words….

by AcheronSprings

  1. Either the aliens are attracted to Anglophones (let’s face it the Dutch are weird speaking English speakers) or Anglophones are kinda stupid.

    Your guess.

  2. The aliens come to visit us for the same reason why the Romans came to visit us: our incomprehensible culture is enthralling to all who witness it. Barry is a veritable well of enigmatic wisdom.

    Do you think aliens would travel lightyears just to watch Hans plays Farming Simulator after getting home from work? No. They’re here for Bazza. And they’ll stay, eyes transfixed until they are forced to return home, unable to conform to their primitive language the marvels they’ve seen.

  3. Tbh here in Scotland the ufo sightings often correspond with that wierd concept others call ‘summer’ I think it is? We sometimes get an unexplained floating orange glow in the sky, that must generate loads of calls each year, think it was a Tuesday this year.

  4. It’s really like in the movies – the aliens almost always land in America or at least an English speaking country!!! /s

  5. Hypothetically, when someone sees a UFO (real or otherwise) in a 3rd world country. Do you think the report is actually getting recorded and logged into some sort of database?

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