

Posted by cant-be-original-now

  1. Pretty sure our grandparents (the useless Boomers parents) would slap the fucking taste out of your mouth for so callously throwing around those labels. It’s a disgrace to watch this Hitler wannabe desecrate everything for which they fought and sacrificed.

  2. On the left right spectrum communism and fascism are on entirely different sides.

    Is Trump saying Kamala is both a left wing dictator and a right wing dictator at the same time?

    Lmfao what a dumb fuck.

  3. “We cannot tell the American people that one candidate is a fascist, this is slander from the Marxist Socialist Communists Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Hail Trump!”

  4. “Donald “Shitzinpants” Trump is a facist.”

    There, i did it for you Vance, you fucking coward.

  5. The orange clown has no idea what marxism, communism or fascism mean, and he sure doesn’t know what democracy is too.

  6. Never seen such a shitshow for a campaign. These two are not on the same page, do they even talk to each other?

  7. …”we cannot tell the American people that one candidate has had carnal knowledge of a couch…”

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