New 4th plinth statue going up.

New 4th plinth statue going up.

by CrushingPride

  1. they should put a slightly smaller plinth on it … and then on that … a slightly… no, not that would be silly.

  2. Wikipedia says ”

    ~~|| || |2026|~~[~~Tschabalala Self~~](|~~***~~Lady In Blue~~***~~|~~ [~~lapis lazuli~~]( [~~^([31])~~]( statue of an “everywoman” with patina |~~

    Edit: As per below

    |External image  [850 Improntas]([^([30])](|September 2024|[Teresa Margolles](|***850 Improntas***| [trans](  [tzompantli]( [Mesoamerican]( [^([29])]( of the faces of 850 people from London and around the world. The “life masks” will be arranged around the plinth in the form of a , a skull rack from civilisations. |

  3. I’m sick of these new ‘woke’ statues, just to go against the grain, fingers crossed its an obscure nineteenth century General notable for a brutal suppression of a colonial rebellion.

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