Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at Mike Johnson and calls to fund government with Dems

Panic mode activated ..

Posted by welding-guy74

  1. Shutting down the government right before an election is complete idiocy and would hurt them in the election; she knows this.

  2. Just imagine if handywoman teams up with her .. they could go by the name the gruesome twosome and not just vote with the dems, but they tag team loose lips loomer .. I’m going to have to get a second job just to feed my popcorn addiction at this point

    Please please please I’ve never prayed before but let the conversation go like this:

    Loose lips: shouldn’t you be watching beetle juice enjoying some roast beef?

    Handy woman: wipe your mouth , you’ve got orange and brown crusties on your lips

  3. She’s mad because loomer is playing with the tiny mushroom and not her. Don’t worry MTG will be batshit crazy in her next post

  4. She’s become a Liberal Marxist RINO!? – never in a million years would I have guessed this could happen.

  5. It’s taken since the Bush administration to get REAL ID, and it’s not complete yet. How can they get the SAVE act in place in less than two months? It’s election interference at the very least.

  6. It’s the parallel universes intertwined. That one happens to be the responsible, high IQ, team player, with quality political skills.

  7. Well, look at MTG. The coup coup GOP looney toon had an occasional bout with reality. My apologies to the Looney Toon Franchise for the reference.

  8. Did she finally realize that project 2025 would make her a baby making slave like all other women? That the republicans look to control all women like the Taliban does?

  9. She is not taking the Laura Loomer situation well. Like some other Republican extremists she might be on the second phase of her arc due to feeling slighted (not because she is smarter or realizes how wrong she is).

    You know where they split from Republicans to try to regain some legitimacy, finds the other side has forgotten nothing, then returns to whatever tier of right wing craziness will accept her back.

    See Megyn Kelly.

  10. holy smokes, MTG woke up. Did the checks from the Bank of Hungary not clear or something?

    She’s definitely not doing it for morality’s sake, I get that. It’s still a good sign. She’s finally realized she’s fighting for her political existence as the dead weight at the top of the ticket may drag everyone else down with them.

  11. MTG vote him out! Vote him out! Vote him out! Then vote with them dems and make Jeffries speaker! Trump hates you maga hates you! Your career is over! Do it for your country! Be a patriot

  12. This woman is a terror to our nation and I will never forgive her constituents for ruining us like this. That bitch gets away with way too much and causes so many problems. Bitch be gone.

  13. You are telling me Marge had two correct takes in the span of a week? Color me shocked.

    She’s actually correct about the SAVE act as well, even if it somehow passed, it would be too little too late to be used in the election Republicans care about

  14. Yes, she’s not as dumb as people like to say she is but she’s also very open about the fact that the whole point of Stop Americans from Voting Ever is to disenfranchise millions of eligible voters.

  15. Gullible MTG sucking up to Trump – kissing his ass on a regular basis- swalllowing whatever she has to and what happens- it’s all Loomer.

  16. Huh? MTG is asking for two mutually exclusive things:

    >Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) unexpectedly called on House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) to work with Democrats to avert a government shutdown.

    And then:

    >In a statement on Tuesday, Johnson said Republicans should support his plan to include the SAVE Act, legislation making it more difficult to vote, in a bill to fund the government. Senate Democrats and President Joe Biden have vowed to reject the measure requiring a birth certificate or passport to cast a ballot.

    The Democrats in the Senate won’t vote for a budget bill that includes the SAVE Act, and Biden won’t sign it.

    Remember, as written, the SAVE Act takes effect *immediately*, and would require voters all over the country to show proof of citizenship when they vote in November.

    The SAVE Act would be an absolute shit show, since there is no time for state and local governments to change election procedures, and it would invalidate all the absentee ballots that have already been printed for this election.

    If the Republicans want to avoid a government shutdown, they have to give up on the SAVE Act.

  17. Cromarge not smart but Cromarge know when on losing side🤔🤡💩. This waste of oxygen thinks if she starts to act like she cares, her previous hideously evil acts will be forgot. Typical politician, go where the wind blows them!

  18. GOP is on the brink of losing the election 50 days away and if Johnson listens to Trump and shuts the government dems will win by a large margin.MTG is a racist thing but she done two things right lately.Call out Loomer and to not have a shut down.

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