Hours of Work vs CPI Basket Weights Per Decade. The Cost of Living, by Measure of Hours Required to Work to Pay For Things is DECREASING

Hours of Work vs CPI Basket Weights Per Decade. The Cost of Living, by Measure of Hours Required to Work to Pay For Things is DECREASING


by OilAdvocate

  1. Good news, everybody!

    The government has declared that the government was successful in beating down the inflation that the government caused.

    So now you can ignore your stacks of bills and empty pockets and overdue rent and auto payments, that’s just your eyes playing tricks on you.

  2. From 1950 to 2017 indentured servitude has been revised enough to avoid revolution. Keep those binkies coming. What happens after 2017?

  3. But but… those liberarians told me free market will lower the prices of housing, medicare, and education.

  4. Food is decreasing, apparel as well.
    Housing is increasing, medical care and ‘others’ as well.

    So yeah…

  5. It was decreasing in 2017. That was almost a decade ago, dude.

    Also, there’s no way housing is correct. This must be based off of average salary and not median. Median is a better representation of what most Americans make.

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