Kiew untersucht mutmaßliche russische Hinrichtung eines ukrainischen Soldaten mit Schwert mit der Aufschrift „für Kursk“

Kiew untersucht mutmaßliche russische Hinrichtung eines ukrainischen Soldaten mit Schwert mit der Aufschrift „für Kursk“

  1. It’s such idiotic, performative nonsense from the Russians. They’re desperate to seem scary now that Telegram is filled with videos of their boys getting castrated by drones and bleeding out slowly in a desolate forrest. They want to create a social media campaign that paints them as valiant warriors! Meanwhile they’re own country is under occupation and they seem too impotent to do anything substantial about it.

    Fuck these wannabes. That army is bunch of poor kids from the ghetto doing boilerplate terrorism for petty cash. A disgrace is all.

  2. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 77%. (I’m a bot)
    > Ukrainian prosecutors have launched an investigation into an alleged Russian execution of a Ukrainian soldier found dead with a sword inscribed with "For Kursk" in his body, in an apparent act of revenge for Kyiv's recent incursion into the Russian border region.

    > "Footage of an alleged execution by sword of an unarmed Ukrainian serviceman with taped hands is spreading on the web," he wrote on X. "Russia continues its deliberate policy of eliminating everything Ukrainian, demonstrating worldwide its brutal cruelty and cynically disregarding any values and norms of the civilized world.”

    > Russia is inching forward toward Pokrovsk, northwest of Novohrodivka, where the alleged sword execution occurred.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694002 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Ukrainian**^#1 **execution**^#2 **Russia**^#3 **alleged**^#4 **Ukraine**^#5

  3. Get them long range baby’s fired asap. Stop these turds from flowing into the civilised world.

  4. But we don’t understand why the world has become so russophobic. We literally have no clue. It can’t be because we’re basically acting like a government ISIS right? No can’t be.

  5. That piece of mall ninja garbage has to be a pain in the ass to handle. Terrible ergonomics and balancing to start, liable to have a shitty rat tail tang too, and they would have had to sharpen it themselves.

    At any rate, it was not made to do what they used it for, or indeed anything but sit on a wall and entertain easily impressed, ignorant people.

    There are plenty of swords that, historically, were designed to behead people – or just very good at it by default. This is the furthest thing from any of those you can find.

    Now, I understand that the point may have been such a sword being less sharp and less optimized means the victim suffers longer – which is a disgusting thought. But I don’t think this was so much chosen for the job as what they had on hand.

    Because these pathetic mass murderers didn’t have a *real* sword between them. All they had was this decorative monstrosity. And that is a great metaphor for their entire military. It will always fall short of their aspirations, be sure they are pretenders with no home anywhere in history.

  6. I saw the original pics from the other sub, that was some major Dark Ages shit they pulled. Hope they capture the fiends who did this.

  7. Shit like this is stupid on the Russians part. Now soldiers will be more willing to fight to the death knowing they are going to die anyways rather than to become POW’s. apparently they learned nothing, ever regarding war in the last 100 years.

  8. At the same time, Canadian TIFF film festival show “an alternative view on war” created by RT-affiliated journalists…

  9. The material coming out from Russia has been on-par with ISIS. Useless country that deserves to be shunned from the international community.

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