Now is not the time to talk about gun control..

Now is not the time to talk about gun control..

Posted by dogsdawgs

  1. There is more than enough proof out there that he actually has sabotaged the legislation that would have helped secure the border. He doesn’t work for Americans. He only grifts for himself.

  2. Silly Nilly. He’ll use taxpayer money to close the border. He’d have to spend his own money to increase security at his golf course.
    Trump is such a cheap fuck he won’t spend money on his own security less than a month he was almost shot.

  3. That place just let’s criminals walk around with those iron sticks! No wonder the 2016 trump voter was armed, it was for self defense!

  4. The fat fuck needs some weightloss drugs. Adderall isn’t cutting it anymore. I’m just waiting for the fucker to have a heart attack any day now. It’s evident the shooters are feckless.

  5. He should build a moat around his golf course and fill it with alligators. Get his cult followers to pay for it.

  6. Red flag laws would have prevented this incident. The guy was an obvious nut but still had a gun

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