UK government’s nutrition advisers are paid by world’s largest food companies, BMJ analysis reveals

UK government’s nutrition advisers are paid by world’s largest food companies, BMJ analysis reveals

by rhs314

  1. Interesting but concerning! It’s crucial that nutrition advice remains unbiased and this could definitely impact public trust

  2. Well, paint me shocked. This is hardly news. UK trust is already destroyed. Ditto in many parts of the EU and US.

  3. I’m related to a prominent nutritionist and this is the way the industry works. It’s consultancy where you do a few hours work for lots of different parties, some commercial some governmental.

    They’re open to conflicts of interest like everybody else but it’s just one of those industries where you’re not going to find “pure” ones – they won’t make a living.

    It’s also a bit like where Leonard explains to Penny that nothing interesting has happened in Quantum Physics since the 20s. The basics are “eat a little of lots of different foods and you can’t go far wrong.” The biggest recent controversy was just eggs – good or not so good? Nobody is going to claim that McDonald’s is good for you but they will say “doesn’t matter as long as you don’t eat it too often” because stuff like biohacking and avoiding all processed food is the nonsense, nutrition is still all about “balanced” diets not “clean” ones.

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