When Gretchen Whitmer tells you to pound sand

When Gretchen Whitmer tells you to pound sand

Posted by Oystermeat

  1. As much as I hate Trump, no Democratic governor is going to campaign with the Republican presidential nominee.

  2. That still doesn’t explain Huckabee’s presence. Any local republican would have been better than her. What do I know, I’m liberal. Magas process differently.

  3. I saw lots of pictures and footage from todays event, somehow they placed the 2 dozen black people in attendance behind Trump.

  4. Couldn’t get a single Michigan politician? Sara auditioning for a show on newsmax or a spot on trumps cabinet, it really doesn’t matter to her.

  5. If I were in the audience, the first question I’d ask Huckabee is “Are you the one that shot your dog?”

  6. Is this the corrupt Huckabee that uses $19K of taxpayer money to buy 4K podiums from her friends who don’t sell podiums? She kept the dollar amount just below a threshold requiring more reporting.

    The person is a bonified swamp creature.

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