Hans telling it how it is

Hans telling it how it is

by fox180

  1. This isn’t true man, it’s a blanket statement that barely fits.

    If you think peasants were eating Black Forest cake and Wiener schnitzel while drinking Sekt and Trockenbeerauslese you’re a fucking idiot.

    Germans on the internet…

  2. That original map is certainly made by a certain savage – why did Scotland, Wales and Ireland get a free pass?

  3. Are yes Scotland, Wales and Ireland cuisine is so different from England’s historically. Both these people are idiots.

  4. A lot of Italian food is also traditional peasant food. Tuscan cuisine for instance is 90% peasant dishes, that’s why beans and even literally just bread feature so much in it.

    The difference is that the Italians use more than 2 ingredients, unlike the Anglos, so even their commoner food tastes infinitely better.

  5. Lmao by far the greatest majority of Italian food is the food of peasants, some of which has been with us for 2500+ years. This statement is only semi-true-ish if you talk about a very small selection of internationally famous dishes.

    I very regularly eat the same pasta that the Romans ate in my region, not because I go out of my way to make it but because it’s still traditional and commonly eaten.

    Also you keep the Bavarians, Badenzians and Austrians out of your damn mouth. They know how to cook.

  6. Yeaaaah right. Ever heard of langoustine, crab or homard? Yeah those were considered poor people’s food. Now it’s high end French cuisine. Why? Because food, like culture, change.

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