Germany unveils solar roof tile that powers heat pumps as well as homes

Germany unveils solar roof tile that powers heat pumps as well as homes

by karellen02

  1. Each solar roof tile can generate 44 W of output, meaning just fives tiles can generate 200 W of power.

  2. I don’t get the title. The solar roof tile generates electricity,  so it can power anything consuming electricity. 

  3. Ok, let them cook.
    The first iteration of this is probably not going to be ideal…
    But let them cook!

  4. I think people here are missing that its about the TILES

    The Small induvidual things that your roof is made out of not the big ones you put on AFTER the Roof.

  5. ’Germany unveils’? 😂 Solar roof tiles existed for a long time. And being PV, they produce electricity which can power any appliance, including heat pumps.

    Incidentally, Germany is behind the curve when it comes to heating.

  6. >Although multiple companies offer roof tiles as an option, integrating them with a heat pump is an innovative approach that we haven’t seen before.

    What absolute rubbish. This exists and ‘*integrating with a heat pump*’ is nothing more than plugging the heat pump in. It’s not new and not an innovation.

    Edit: apparently they use hot air from the black tiles to make the heat pump slightly more efficient. I read most of the article but they buried the relevant part in the end. My bad.

  7. For theoretical 20 % efficiency gain on heat pumps, this is quite a complex solution. Not from engineering point of view, but from installation point of view, relying on very non crafty people.

  8. I remember these being pushed by Bill Gates I believe? But it never took off. What should be different this time?

  9. the conservatives in our country will destroy this too. like they did with every other german innovation

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