Hans’ cousin, why are your roads shit?

Hans’ cousin, why are your roads shit?

by Dark_Wolf04

  1. Some old politicians missed the elections ? No problems ! Place the friends losing their political job to executive functions of public roads administration

    This is the way in Belgium 😎

  2. did you just associate… this thing *points at belgium* with us?
    They’re an unholy mixture of dutch and french and only have some german speakers because we, unlike you, were punished for losing the war.

  3. Thats what the roads are like in some English counties… mine being one

    Maybe the Belgiums aren’t that scary after all, maybe just the constant jigglying about in cars has made them what they are?

  4. You know you’ve entered Belgium when the road gets bumpy, and you know you’ve entered France when your 4G coverage suddenly drops.

  5. Did a motorcycle tour to czech last year, let me tell you, there are holes in the street that will catapult you to the moon if you got enough speed.

  6. It’s a well known fact that you should only cross the Belgian border in the other direction

  7. Wait is that an Italian talking about our roads ? Bro you are still driving on Roman empire pavements. I can accept critisism from anyone but you

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