Listen up! Donald doesn’t ramble, mkay?

Posted by TheresACityInMyMind

  1. Sounds like that rally comment hurt him deeply. The thorn still sits deep in his flesh and bothers him.

  2. Nice to see him giving well deserved respect to the great “Doctor Hannibal Lecter”. Only Mr. Stable Genius Trump can weave such amazing multiple stories that all come together bigly and perfectly. Of course, if no one understands wtf he is talking about, it one’s fault, come on guys give him a break, will ya.

  3. See the thing is that his supporters are free to connect the dots any way they like… THAT is what works well for him… they get to believe that he tailored his message for them when they are actually the ones who are piecing together whatever message they want from his word / idea salad…

    It may not make sense to normal people, but the bilge he spews is pure gold for his supporters…

  4. He fucking talks like a fucking 10 year old, and one that isn’t very bright either. Why is he even bring considered at this point?

  5. What the fuck does “people coming in from Silence of the Lambs” mean?!

    Like- does he think people at home just finished watching it and then they are turning on his rally?

    Does it mean that there’s a natural flow from watching that movie to joining “his movement”?

  6. English teacher here…

    This gets a 0/4 (F) for being

    – unintelligible

    – off-topic

    – off-purpose

    Please resubmit your response by the end of the week or you’ll have to go to tutoring to make it up with a written explanation of what the tutor helped you with.

    Also, Donnie, we’ve been down this road before, don’t make me call home (again) and tell your guardians that you’re wasting my time with your rambling responses to every question.


    Mr. E

  7. Raising Cain?

    What, did Lucifer raise Cain to be evil and spiteful of Abel and the Bible just *missed* that crucial detail or some shit?

  8. Christ, I smell burnt toast just *reading* that.

    Donnie and his cult are *not fucking well*.

    Deprogramming should be *compulsory* in this nation.

  9. You know how an excited 6 year old can spew out some incoherent story and has to take deep breaths every now and then to keep up with what they’re saying?

  10. I was thinking the other day about trumps electability, and I have a serious question if there are any conservatives or center right Republicans here in this sub. No hate or insults needed, just a serious question.

    So I’m wondering, honestly, I mean its not looking good for trump this November according to polling. Trumps maga team has pretty much taken over the majority of the party in which alot of it borders on the very fringe conspiracy area.

    The diehard supporters are never going to accept anyone else but trump at this point, but if he loses again this will be the second time now and also remember all the candidates he endorsed lost in the house, making him unelectable. And after this election it will be done as he won’t be able to run again.

    After he loses I don’t see any Republicans in power to continue backing him anymore as there will be no incentive to do so, since he won’t be able to run again as he’ll be to old by 2028. He won’t have the platform or the money backing anymore as he’ll go back to obscurity.

    So in order for Republicans to run another candidate to have a chance in the election in 2028, how are they going to deprogram the fringe to come back and support another candidate. I see alot of issues with that party these next 4 years. Cause let’s face it trump has been stoking the fires of extreme since 2017 with his inability to control what he says.

  11. The Emperor’s New Clothes but The Emperor’s New Thought Process. You have to be a genius to see it.

  12. Just so everyone has some context around FoxNews standards.

    They ran a front page online story about Harris and Word Salads. This is the sentence (from CNN interview) they used as evidence…

    “You mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed and I have worked on it, that the climate crisis is real, that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time.”

    They think nothing of Trump opening his mouth and vomiting scrabble pieces, but apparently Harris talking about climate targets and using two superfluous words is a headline worthy word salad.

  13. If it only sounds genius to you and sounds like gibberish to everybody else it’s fucking gibberish. Donald needs to be sat down to a chair while someone screams in his face “you’re a fucking idiot”

  14. His insecurities are right there, just barely below the surface yet he’s completely unaware that anyone with a brain can see right through him and/or use his insecurities to manipulate him into doing whatever they want. He thinks people can’t tell when he’s lying. I’ve never seen anyone with less self awareness than this fucking asshole.

  15. So Kamala’s campaign ad is just the transcript of what he says. 

    I think that’s actually genius, and worrisome. How can he be a candidate? Still don’t get it. 

    I’ll love to know how his supporters connected the dots. I mean an explanation about why did he mentioned that way H. Lecter. 

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