Russia region orders evacuation after Ukraine drone attack | BBC News

Russia region orders evacuation after Ukraine drone attack | BBC News

A partial evacuation has been ordered in Russia’s Tver region after a “massive” Ukrainian drone attack sparked a fire there, the local governor has said.

Igor Rudenya said emergency services in the town of Toropets were trying to “localise” the blaze caused by falling drone wreckage. He did not say whether there were any casualties.

Unverified footage has emerged purportedly showing a massive blast in the town. Video footage circulating on social media showed detonations and smoke covering a large stretch of sky.

AFP and Reuters news agencies have quoted Ukrainian sources as saying an ammunitions warehouse had been struck.

The military site reportedly housed fuel tanks, as well as artillery shells, ballistic missiles, and explosives, in a series of warehouses. These are all weapons that have been used in Russia’s relentless full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

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  1. It doesn’t matter whether it’s due to war or extreme heat—Earth is burning everywhere. People don’t realize we’re heading toward something catastrophic. The last time something like this happened was during the Permian extinction, triggered by the Siberian Traps event. Back then, massive volcanic eruptions released huge amounts of CO₂ over thousands of years. Now, we're repeating the same process, but at a much, much much faster rate.

  2. BBC slow on the draw, show's 'day after' pics ,they Missed the light show from the night before !!!🤣🤣 the biggest light show in 938 days BBC doesn't show it !

  3. You’d think mastery of the English language would be a great way to get a job as a news presenter… but no, what you look like is clearly far more important these days. 😂

  4. Wieso Evakuiert Russland dieses Gebiet? war da etwa Uran Munition am Start oder Atomsprengköpfe gelagert? Also ein Pilz ist bei der Detonation ist deutlich zu erkennen. 😁 👌 Hauptsache wir schenken dem Verrückten mit seinem korrupten Land noch mal 100 Millionen Winterhilfe

  5. …because of a ruSSian escalation….they are escalating every day, what the hell are we, the West, waiting for, I mean, do they – NATO/US really still believe in all this really boring ruSSian threats, I mean, seriously??!!!

  6. Yes, let’s pretend that Ukraine is actually firing, guiding and identifying these targets and not the US. Let’s pretend a war over Russian speaking areas of Ukraine that already voted to return to Russia is worth 700k dead and generations of debt and US ownership of infrastructure, minerals and farmland to the Ukrainian people and that this isn’t really a US war being fought with someone else’s children for US profit.

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